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    Welcome to YIAM


YIAM (Young Impulses in Anthroposophic Medicine) is a global community of young people interested in Anthroposophic Medicine. In connection with the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, YIAM has hosted a conference, as well as regular in-person gatherings and online meetings.

We hope this website can be a way for us to share our impulses and initiatives and strengthen the multiprofessional network of young people engaged in Anthroposophic Medicine.

Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen

  • YIAM Michaelmas Gathering - SIGN UP HERE:
    YIAM Michaelmas Gathering - SIGN UP HERE:
    Do., 26. Sept.
    26. Sept. 2024, 18:00 – 29. Sept. 2024, 15:00
    Goetheanum, Rüttiweg 45, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
    26. Sept. 2024, 18:00 – 29. Sept. 2024, 15:00
    Goetheanum, Rüttiweg 45, 4143 Dornach, Switzerland
    This gathering will include a day trip and guided tour of the Isenheimer Altar, a meeting with the Medical Section leadership, a text study on the lecture ‘How Do I Find the Christ?’, eurythmy on the Foundation Stone meditation and the development of our initiatives - a possible conference in 2027!
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