World Community
We strive to build, foster and enliven our World Community, in order to strengthen the work that we do in Anthroposophic Medicine. The Community -- which includes people of all ages -- formed in 2020, during the preparation of the conference 'Crossing Bridges - Being Human', when the pandemic prevented people from attending in person.
The aim of this Community is to allow participation in the Medical Section's annual conference (which takes place at the Goetheanum each September) for everyone working with Anthroposophic Medicine around the world, whether they attend the conference in person or not. We meet online every 3 months, to support and inspire each other. Through actively engaging ourselves with the conference themes in the months leading up to September, we deepen our learning and can bring new impulses. Those of us lucky enough to be at the Goetheanum for the conference, will subsequently share some 'pearls' with everyone else in an online meeting.
The 2024 Medical Section conference is on Therapeutic Intuition – Perception and Reality in Diagnosis and Therapy and will take place from the 10th - 15th of September. More information on the conference can be found here.
Please email for more information or if you would like to join.